This document describes how to upgrade to WebsydianExpress v1.2 from a previous version of WebsydianExpress (1.0/1.1) on the iSeries platform.
Please refer to WebsydianExpress 1.2 - What Is New? for information about new features and changes in WebsydianExpress v1.2.
For information on how to upgrade the development environment please read Upgrade Development Environment to WebsydianExpress v1.2.
In this document, a number of iSeries libraries will be referenced. As the exact name of the libraries are customizable, the name of the libraries can vary from installation to installation. The following table lists the libraries and their default names.
Library | Default Name (version 1.0 / version 1.1) |
Express Database Library | WXP10DB / WXP11DB |
Express Program Library | WXP10PGM / WXP11PGM |
Express Application Library | WXP10APP / WXP11APP |
Express PTF Library | WXP10PTF / WXP11PTF |
In the rest of the document, these libraries will be referred by the term specified in the Library Column.
WebsydianExpress 1.2 is backward compatible with business processes developer with WebsydianExpress 1.0/1.1.
So all objects in the Express Application Library can be left untouched and will not be affected by the upgrade process.
The first step is to stop WebsydianExpress.
It is important that you take a backup of your WebsydianExpress installation before you start the upgrade process in case something should go wrong.
Take a backup of the following libraries:
Take a backup of the web server component on the web server. The default name of the web server component is express.war.
*ALLOBJ authority is required to perform the updates
The Upgrade zip file contains an exe file: WXP12UPG.exe. By running this exe file, the update library WXP12UPG will be created on the iSeries. If a library with this name already exist on the iSeries, you will be prompted for another library name.
If you use the exe file to transport the upgrade to the iSeries, the objects will automatically be restored to the library.
You have also got the option to FTP the save file WXP12UPG to the iSeries manually.
If you choose this option, you must restore the save file manually.
Restore the save file WXP12UPG. Use the RSTLIB command.
This will restore a library containing the necessary objects to perform the update.
Add the update library to the library list for the interactive session you will use to perform the update:
Delete all the objects from the PTF library that has been delivered by Websydian.
Restore the save file WXP12PGMUP to the Express Program Library - overwrite existing objects.
This updates the WebsydianExpress runtime with a new set of runtime objects.
Default for "Express Program Library": WXP10PGM, WXP11PGM.
The message file S2SYMSGF in the Express Database Library must be overwritten by a new version. This is done by running the command WXPUPMSGF from the update library. The command has one input parameter - the database library (This library must contain the S2SYMSGF file).
Default for "Express Database Library": WXP10DB, WXP11DB.
A number of new files has been introduced in the new version. These files are copied from the save file WXP12DBUPG found in the update library. The logical files are created for the files, and the necessary character set conversion is done for the files.
This is all done by running the command WXPUPFILE found in the update library. The command has one input parameter - the database library.
Default for "Express Database Library": WXP10DB, WXP11DB.
A number of new and updated templates, script, and jar files must be updated to the IFS.
This is done by running the command WXPUPIFS found in the update library. The command has one input parameter - the base WebsydianExpress folder.
If you are in doubt about which folder to specify, prompt the STRWS command in the Express Program Library - the folder is specified as the option WSYDDIR.
Default for "Base WebsydianExpress Folder": /websydian/EXPRESS10, /Websydian/EXPRESS11
New parameters has been defined for the commands STRAS and RUNAS. As part of the installation, the command defaults defined for the existing commands are transferred to the new commands.
The commands are updated by the command WXPUPCMD. This command has one parameter, the Express Program Library.
Default for "Express Program Library": WXP10PGM, WXP11PGM.
A new command RSTAS has also been installed in the Express Program Library. Default values for this command are restored from the STRAS command. However, this leaves two undefined parameters that you must change manually by using the CHGCMDDFT command.
The two parameters RSADDR, and RSPORT.
The values you should specify for the RSADDR and RSPORT parameters can be found by prompting the ENDAS command found in the Express Program Library.
Update information in the RelayService.prop file:
Open the RelayService.prop file located in the folder "Relay Service" using notepad and add the following setting:
For upgrading the Servlet Web Server Component you have the following options:
If you are familiar with war files and understand the structure you can perform the upgrade of the Servlet Web Server Component by copying the content of the folder "Manual Upgrade" located in the upgrade package under the "Relay Service" folder to your express.war file.
Remember to remove the file WSYDDWA20.jar file from the folder "WEB-INF\lib" in your express.war file.
We can perform the upgrade of your express.war file for you if you do not feel like you are up for the challenge, just send the following information to support@websydianexpress.com:
If you update the application from WebsydianExpress 1.0 - you should remove the installed PLEX library
After updating the application and reloading/deploying the war file on the webserver, restart the application using the START command in the Express Program Library. Access the site in the Browser.
If the Site is not loaded correctly start by checking that you have removed all websydian delivered objects from the PTF library.
After this update the library list job description EXPRESS found in the Express Database Library - move the Express Program List to the top of the library list. The reason for this advice is that we have encountered a couple of installations where Websydian runtime objects of unknown reasons had been placed in the Express Application Library (together with the user developed objects).
After updating the library list, restart the application using the STOP and START commands.
Perform this section if you are upgrading from version 1.0 - and want to use RPG Developer and/or 2E Developer.
For RPG Developer and 2E Developer some new IFS folders has been installed. These folders need to be defined using the administration interface.
If you have upgraded from version 1.1, the RPGDeveloper folder and the PageModeler is already defined.
If you do not want to use the RPG Developer and/or the 2E Developer, there are no reason to define the folders - they will only be unnecessary "fill" in the system.
Perform this section if you are upgrading from version 1.0 - and want to use RPG Developer and/or 2E Developer.
If you want to use the PageModeler business process, it is recommended that you define the PageModeler folder with the settings described below.
The PageModeler business process is used for creating HTML templates for both RPG Developer and 2E Developer.
If you upgrade from version 1.1, this step is not necessary.
The PageModeler Folder should be defined for each site where you want to be able to create HTML templates using the PageModeler.
Perform this section if you are upgrading from version 1.0 - and want to use RPG Developer and/or 2E Developer.
The RPGDeveloper folder contains the templates for the two RPG Examples. If you want to run these examples you should define the RPGDeveloper folder with the settings described below.
If you upgrade from version 1.1, this step is not necessary.
Perform this section if you want to use 2E Developer.
The 2EDeveloper folder contains the templates for the 2E Examples. If you want to run this example you should define the 2EDeveloper folder with the settings described below.
Perform this section if you want to use 2E Developer.
One of the major new features for version 5.7 is the possibility to create business processes for WebsydianExpress using 2E. The installation of the 2E Developer is optional, if you do not want to develop using 2E, do not perform this step.
Perform this section if you are upgrading from version 1.0 - and want to run the RPG Developer examples.
If you have upgraded from WebsydianExpress 1.0, the objects needed for the RPG Developer example has been installed, but the business processes has not been made available in the site structure. If you have upgraded from version 1.1, these definitions is in place.
This step is optional, it is only necessary if you want to run the RPG example business processes.